Celebrate Reaper of Souls™ with a TeSPA Collegiate Event

Celebrate Reaper of Souls™ with a TeSPA Collegiate Event

Join us as we celebrate the global launch of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls™ by hosting an event on your college or university campus!

Whether you're part of a large gaming community or an inspired organizer looking to host the best launch party out there, we encourage you to join us on March 25 to herald the arrival of Malthael, the Angel of Death. Events can be anything from a multiplayer get-together on campus to a celebration at a local game store. Contests and challenges are also welcome, so be sure to let your passion and creativity shine.

If you plan on hosting a launch event, we want to hear from you! We're partnering with the collegiate gaming network TeSPA to identify 50 events to support with real life Diablo loot. Selected events will be sent a Treasure Pack overflowing with goodies, including a Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition signed by the Diablo III team and a box of Reaper of Souls T-Shirts, mouse pads, Diablo figures, and other Diablo-themed swag.

Let us know about your event by filling out the simple application here by March 16th. Events will be selected on a rolling basis, so the sooner you apply, the higher your chances of securing that sweet, sweet Treasure Pack!