Replace Digital Purchase with World of Warcraft Collector's Edition

Updated: 2 weeks ago
Article ID: 36942

Common Problems

  • Do I get a refund for claiming the physical Collector's Edition over my digital purchase?
  • I purchased the game to access early features and I would like to buy the Collector's Edition when it is available, will I get a compensation?

If you want to enjoy the The War Within digital items and any available access before receiving your Collector's Edition, you can buy The War Within on the shop. If you buy The War Within (Base, Heroic, or Epic) on the Shop and then redeem a Collector's Edition code later on, you will automatically be refunded the cost of your original digital purchase in Balance, as long as you redeem the Collector's Edition code before December 31, 2025.

Check our The War Within Collector's Edition announcement blog for more information.

If you have purchased an upgrade product (e.g., Base Edition to Epic Edition), the upgrade will not be automatically refunded. In these cases, you can contact Customer Support for a refund of the upgrade product.