Anduin Missing in Stormwind

Updated: 2 weeks ago
Article ID: 179798

Common Problems

  • Anduin is supposed to give me a quest, but he is phased out and I cannot see him
  • I have a quest for Anduin, the quest marker says he is in Stormwind Keep, but he isn't there
  • High Exarch Turalyon is on the throne instead of Anduin!
  • There is no one on the throne in Stormwind, how do I turn in my quest?

There are a few story lines that can phase Stormwind for you until you complete them. While you are in such a phase, Anduin may not be at his throne in Stormwind Keep.

There are a number of quests which can phase Stormwind. These include the following quest types:

  • Quests which are part of an introductory quest for an expansion
  • Quests which are part of an introductory questline for a zone within an expansion
  • Storyline quests which involve conflicts between the Horde and the Alliance
  • Questlines which involve a change in Stormwind's architecture or ruler
If your character has started but not completed any questlines involving the situations above, complete the questline(s) to see if doing so fixes the phasing in Stormwind. If you find the correct questline, Anduin will appear on the throne in Stormwind Keep.

Customer Support is not able to mark quests complete or find missing quests. Community sites like Wowhead or Warcraft Wiki will often have guides for assisting with phasing or quest issues.