Rejoining Previous Covenant

Updated: 2 years ago
Article ID: 277646

Common Problems

  • I accidentally swapped Covenants and would like to go back.
  • I was swapping Covenants but chose the wrong one, can you swap it for me?
  • I tried switching back to an old Covenant but the quest didn't start.

Changing covenants depends on if you have earned the achievement Renowned on your account by reaching Renown 80 with any covenant.

If you have completed Renowned you will be able to re-join a previous covenant by speaking to the covenant emissary in Oribos and confirming you want to change covenants.

If you have not completed Renowned, you will need to speak to the emissary and then prove yourself to that Covenant again by completing two quests: Prove Your Worth and Rebuild Our Trust. These two quests take each a weekly reset. After you turn in Prove your worth, you must wait until the weekly reset to pick up Rebuild Our Trust. You will only leave your previous Covenant when you turn in Rebuild Our Trust.

When you start proving your worth to a Covenant, you cannot switch for a different Covenant again until you complete Prove Your Worth and Rebuild Our Trust for your last chosen covenant. In addition, after you complete these quests for your last chosen Covenant, you cannot switch for a different Covenant until the next weekly reset.

The emissaries are:

  • The Kyrian of Bastion: Polemarch Adestres
  • The Necrolords of Maldraxxus: Baroness Draka
  • The Night Fae of Ardenweald: Lady Moonbery
  • The Venthyr of Revendreth: General Draven