Verifying Your Account Has Been Set Up for Game Pass

Updated: 2 weeks ago
Article ID: 357105

Common Problems

  • I can't tell if I linked the right Account to Game Pass
  • I think I already linked my account in the past, but it's not working

  1. Navigate to your Account Connections page
  2. Next to Xbox Network, make sure the Xbox Account with your Game Pass subscription is listed
    • If the correct account is linked, you are good to go!
    • Navigate to Games and Subscriptions to confirm if you have either Ultimate or PC Game Pass and if they are Active
  3. If no account is listed, click the +Connect button to initiate the linking process
    • Ensure you are linking the correct account, account links have cooldowns limiting how often they can be changed. Customer Support cannot assist with bypassing cooldowns on linking accounts. 
  4. If the wrong Xbox Account is listed and it has been more than 90 days since the accounts were linked:
    1. Click Disconnect
    2. Click +Connect to initiate the linking process for the correct Xbox Account
  5. If the wrong Xbox Account is listed and the link cooldown has not yet expired, you will need to use a new or different Account to link to your Xbox Account.
Note: If you have an existing Account and Xbox link established before March 5, 2024, go to the Connections menu in your Account and click the confirm connection button next to your Xbox listing to update the connection.

If you cannot link your Xbox and Accounts:

  1. Make sure your Account is not a trial account
  2. Check if your Account already has an account linked to it. Each Account may only have one Xbox Account linked to it
  3. Check if your Xbox account is already linked to a different Account. The same account cannot be linked to multiple Accounts

Note: Account links have cooldowns limiting how often they can be changed. You will receive a warning in Account Management specifying the cooldown length when disconnecting an account type that has a cooldown. Customer Support cannot assist with bypassing cooldowns on linking accounts. You can link the Xbox Live account back to your previous account.