Flying in World of Warcraft

Updated: 7 months ago
Article ID: 108493

Common Problems

  • When do I unlock flying?
  • Why can't I fly in this zone?
  • How do I unlock flying in this new WoW game mode?

All Modern World of Warcraft characters automatically learn the Expert Riding skill at level 30, allowing you to ride flying mounts in most locations. If you have the Skyriding ability unlocked for your account, this is the default flight style used, where you can dynamically use flying abilities in the air. Skyriding is not available for a few select mounts, which will be grounded unless you change your flight style (using the Switch Flight Style spell) to steady flight.

Some areas of the game do not allow flying, or have requirements in order to fly there. If you are looking for specific details of these areas, check out community resources such as Wowhead.

Other World of Warcraft game modes, including Classic, have their own requirements and restrictions for flying. If you want to learn these details outside of the game, you can frequently find them on community resources (Example: Cataclysm Classic flying).