Always Raining for My Character

Updated: 7 months ago
Article ID: 204241

Common Problems

  • It's always raining on one of my characters
  • I have been seeing rain and darkness everywhere on one character, even in dungeons and it won't go away

If you are experiencing rain on one specific character at all times and have been trying to get the Hivemind mount, the effect you're experiencing is due to a Darkness debuff that you get as part of the questline. Obtaining the mount should clear this. 

The Stormsong Valley rare elite Tempestion also changes the weather state. If you were near Tempestion and received this aura, defeating the rare elite should remove it.

Alliance characters who completed the quest The Fallen Lion but did not pick up and complete the following quest, Demons Among Us will need to go back and complete that quest and complete the quest chain in full.