No Credit for Quest - City of Light

Updated: 4 years ago
Article ID: 289581

Common Problems

  • Did not get quest completion for following Khadgar's servant even though I did it twice
  • I can't get credit for City of the Light after following the servant all around Shattrath

We have received reports that players are not receiving completion credit for this quest after following Khadgar's Servant around Shattrath City. We currently do not have a Customer Support resolution which can be provided. 

To troubleshoot this issue, try the following workarounds:

  • When following Khadgar's Servant, make sure that you are standing directly next to the naaru G'eras when the servant completes the tour. If you are not right next to G'eras when the servant reaches the area to complete the quest, you will not receive credit
  • If you have already completed the tour of the city and did not receive credit, if you stand near G'eras when someone else's servant reaches the area, quest completion should trigger for you as well
To assist with our investigation, submit a Bug Report..