Buying a Character Transfer

Updated: 9 months ago
Article ID: 306144

Common Problems

  • I'm not able to purchase a character transfer.
  • Error: We see that you are trying to buy a Character Transfer in a different region than your account region. To complete your purchase, visit the web Shop.

You can buy character services on our Shop or in-game. These include Character Transfers and Race Changes.

In the Shop

You can buy character services in-game or on our Web Shop for Modern World of Warcraft and Classic World of Warcraft. Make sure you are logged in with the correct account, and that you are purchasing for the correct game version. Character Transfers will not work for special game modes such as Hardcore or Season of Discovery (See: Additional restrictions).

After purchase, character services will appear in your character selection screen. If the icon is greyed out or doesn't appear, it means one or more of the following:

  • Your payment is processing. The character service will only be available when your order shows as Complete. Please check your Transaction History
  • You are logged into a Starter Edition account. Starter Edition accounts cannot transfer characters
  • You were online during purchase. Please log off and log in again
  • You don't have any character on the realm. Please create a character
  • You have created a character but you never logged into the world yet. Enter the game at least once, exit the game completely, and re-launch

If you checked everything above and the character service token icon didn't appear, contact us.


You can buy a character service in-game by opening the Shop on the character selection screen. If the Shop button is missing on your character selection screen, your purchases may be restricted by Parental Controls.

To buy a character service in-game the country of residence registered on your account must belong to the same region as your World of Warcraft account. For example, if you play on American realms, the country registered on your account must belong to America. If you recently moved countries, you can update your registered country on your account to resolve the error.

Alternatively, you can buy the character service in the Shop.