Using Color Blind Mode
Follow these steps to enable color blind mode in supported titles.
Heroes of the Storm
- Launch Heroes of the Storm.
- Select Menu.
- Select Options.
- Select Gameplay.
- Under Ease of Access, check Color Blind Mode.
- Click Accept.
- Launch Overwatch.
- Select Options.
- On the Video tab, click the + on the right of Color Blind Options to expand the menu.
You can select a filter for Deuteranopia, Protanopia, or Tritanopia. Use the Color Blind Strength slider to change the intensity of the filter.
StarCraft II
- Launch StarCraft II.
- Select Menu.
- Select Options.
- Select Colors.
- Check Color Blind Mode. Use the dropdown menus to set your preferred colors.
- Click Accept.
World of Warcraft
- Log in to World of Warcraft.
- Press ESC to access the in-game menu.
- Select Interface.
- Select Accessibility.
To add additional information to various UI elements that typically require color, check the Enable UI Colorblind Mode option. To activate a colorblind filter, select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu. You can select a filter for Protanopia, Deuteranopia, or Tritanopia. Use the Adjust Strength slider to change the intensity of the filter.