Diablo IV Beta Rewards Cross-Platform Availability

Updated: 1 year ago
Article ID: 335751

Common Problems

  • I unlocked the rewards in PC, will I have them when I buy the game on console?
  • I unlocked the rewards on console, will I have them when I buy the game on PC?

Note: In order to access Diablo IV on multiple platforms, you must first unlock the game by purchasing it on each platform you want to be able to play on.

Diablo IV Beta and Server Slam rewards are tracked on the Battle.net account that they are earned on. If they are earned on PC, they are automatically linked to the Battle.net you purchased the PC version of the game on. If the rewards are earned through console play, they are tracked on the Battle.net account that you are linked to at the time you earn them. As long as the same console account(s) remain linked to your Battle.net account, you will not lose access to these items on any platform.