Warcraft Rumble Battle.net Shop Purchase Not Delivered

Updated: 1 month ago
Article ID: 349261

Common Problems

  • I purchased Coins from the Battle.net Shop but didn't receive them in-game.
  • I bought a bundle from Battle.net and didn't receive part of it.

Purchases may take up to 72 hours to be delivered. Please check your Order History. You will only have access to the content if your order shows as Complete. If your order is Complete, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your game is up-to-date. Purchases may be only be available with the newest game version. 
  2. Using the in-game Profile menu, log out from all devices you use to access the game.
  3. Log back in on the device where you made the purchase.
  4. Check the shop for the product you tried to purchase. You may have received a credit allowing you to purchase it again.
  5. Try earning more of the missing product. For example, if you are missing tomes after a purchase, earning a new tome from the daily activities may allow you to open the missing one(s). Similarly, earning more coins may refresh your total amount.

If the order can be found in your Transaction History and you still haven't receive your products after waiting for more than 72 hours, contact us.