Missing Heirloom From Collection

Updated: 4 months ago
Article ID: 6780

Common Problems

  • I can't find my heirloom
  • I left an heirloom to expire in the mail
  • I am missing BoA (bind on account) gear or items
  • I cannot see my heirloom in the interface

Log in to each of your characters on all realms. Any heirlooms in any of your characters' inventories will automatically be added to the collection.

  1. Ensure that theĀ filters are appropriately checked
    1. Open the Collection tab
    2. Click on the Filter tab
    3. Within the Filter tab, ensure that Collected is checked. Under Sources, check All Sources
  2. Perform a user interface reset

Mounts, pets, heirlooms, and toys in the Collections tab are account-bound, and do not generally transfer when characters move to a different Blizzard account. The only exception is any pet or mount associated with a character-specific achievement, which will only appear for that character on the new account. You cannot use the same heirlooms both in WoW Classic and WoW Retail. In each variant of the game, you would need to purchase heirlooms separately.

If the heirloom gear is not present on any of your characters, it will need to be repurchased as Customer Support will not restore them manually.