Friends Missing

Updated: 5 months ago
Article ID: 9597

Common Problems

  • I can't see my Real ID friends in the app, but I can see them in-game
  • All of the friends I added using BattleTag have disappeared
  • My friend list is empty

If you cannot see your friends on your friends list, try the following steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Visit your Account Privacy & Communication Settings, and make sure that friend list is enabled. If you can't enable it, then you may have Parental Controls, and will have to have your parent or guardian enable it through Parental Controls
  2. Check your Friends settings under privacy options for your account
  3. Expand the Friends list to show all your friends
    1. Open the Desktop Application 
    2. Click on the Friends list in the upper right hand corner
    3. Make sure Favorites and Friends lists are maximized
  4. If your friend has disabled their settings or removed you as a friend, they can re-enable their settings through their Account Privacy & Communication Settings and add you back to their friends list with a new friend request invitation
  5. To make sure that your account cache is uploading properly, reset your password
  6. To clear corrupted files from your computer's cache, delete your cache and files
  7. Uninstalling and reinstalling the App may resolve rare launcher issues

If you continue to have trouble with your friends list after going through the above steps, contact us for assistance.