
Claiming a WoW Token Without Active Game Time

更新済み: 3日前
記事ID: 16904


  • Can I claim a WoW token after my gametime expires?
  • Can I use token if have no gametime?
  • Can I use token if my account is inactive?

Modern WoW

If your Game Time has expired and you can't access your characters, you can purchase and consume a WoW Token directly from the character select screen, as long as:

  • You have enough gold on one character or realm to cover the cost of the token
  • You have a WoW token purchased with gold in one of your character's inventory on the World of Warcraft account you're trying to activate
  • You have a WoW token purchased with gold in one of your character's inventory on a different World of Warcraft account on the same Battle.net Account

WoW tokens can't be claimed for use on different Battle.net Accounts.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

If you have run out of Game Time you cannot interact with the WoW Token system in Wrath Classic; you must consume your Token while you still have active Game Time on your account.

See our Using a WoW Token article for more information about WoW tokens.