
Switching Between Aldor and Scryer

更新済み: 2年前
記事ID: 12682


  • I need to switch from Aldor to Scryer rep, I was automatically assigned to Aldor.
  • I chose the wrong Shattrath reputation
  • I am hated with both Shattrah factions

Customer Support will not switch your reputation.

If you wish to switch allegiance from Aldor to Scryers, find Arcanist Adyria in Lower City. She will offer you a repeatable quest (Voren'thal's Visions and then More Basilisk Eyes) to turn in Dampscale Basilisk Eyes. This will be the only way to increase your Scryer reputation until reaching neutral.

If you wish to switch allegiance from Scryers to Aldor, find Sha'nir in Lower City. She will offer you a repeatable quest (More Venom Sacs and then Strained Supplies) to turn in Dreadfang Venom Sacs. This will be the only way to increase your Aldor reputation until reaching neutral.