
Disconnected During Mythic Keystone Dungeon

อัพเดตแล้ว: 2 ปี ก่อน
รหัสบทความ: 161577


  • My Mythic+ Keystone was downgraded because of a disconnect
  • Coudn't loot the cache at the end of the Mythic+ run due to a connection issue
  • Our party was disconnected and the dungeon reset

Mythic keystones will downgrade if the character who used the keystone leaves the dungeon for any reason, including disconnections.

If you were the only party member disconnecting, visit our World of Warcraft Disconnection Problems article for troubleshooting steps.

If the whole party was disconnected simultaneously, check the BlizzardCS Twitter and Realm Status page for any service interruptions. You can also visit our Bug Report forums or report the problem in-game through the bug report feature.

Customer Support does not upgrade, restore, or create keystones. Running the dungeon again with the downgraded keystone will award a new upgraded keystone, as long as finished within the time limit.