
Did Not Receive Blazing Signet from Nightbane

อัพเดตแล้ว: 2 ปี ก่อน
รหัสบทความ: 292172


  • Nightbane didn't drop the Blazing Signet for me
  • I could not loot the quest item for The Cudgel of Kardesh from Nightbane

There are no verified bugs with the quest The Cudgel of Kar'desh. If you didn't receive the Blazing Signet it will be for one or more of the following reasons: 

  • You already have the item, please check your bank
  • You didn't have the quest on your quest log
  • You didn't participate in the kill, you were too far or outside the instance and didn't qualify for loot
  • You left the instance without looting the boss. Quest items must be picked up from the boss manually. If your inventory is full, you must make space to collect the quest item

Customer Support cannot help with granting the item. Please kill the boss again.