Copy a Character to the WoW PTR or Beta Client

อัพเดตแล้ว: 3 ปี ก่อน
รหัสบทความ: 32204


  • The "copy" button is missing in the PTR
  • How do I copy my character to the test realm?
  • "Copy failed" error when copying a character to the PTR


You can copy a character from your main World of Warcraft account to the PTR using the Copy Character button on the PTR client:

  1. Log in to the World of Warcraft PTR
  2. If this is the first time you launch the PTR you will need to create at least one new character before you can continue to the character selection screen
  3. In the character selection screen, click Copy Character
  4. Click Copy Account Data to transfer your live account settings to the PTR
  5. Select a character and click Copy
Note: The PTR is only available in English, French, German, and Korean.

Cannot copy a character?

The Copy Character button may be turned on or off depending on the stability of the service and the developers' testing needs. The character copy function is disabled before the Public Test Realm or Beta client goes offline.

If you receive an error when copying one of your characters, try again later.

Tried everything here?

Customer Support cannot help with technical issues on the PTR. If you need assistance, please visit the PTR forums (only in English). PTR forums are only available when the PTR is running.