Overlay Incompatibilities

Updated: 2 weeks ago
Article ID: 31366

Common Problems

Some overlay programs can cause Battle.net games to crash.

Overlays are found in many programs and allow for information to be displayed ontop of another program. Many voice programs have this feature enabled by default so you can see who is talking while playing a game.

Programs with an overlay can cause Battle.net games to crash or black screen in some setups. Updating programs with an overlay to the latest version can often fix the problem. If updating the program does not help, try disabling or uninstalling the program. If this fixes the crashes, reach out to the support section of that program for further assistance.

There are many overlay type programs however some examples are below:

  • Airfoil™
  • EVGA Precision™
  • Mumble™
  • Taksi™
  • Dxtory™
  • MSI Afterburner™
  • RadeonPro™
  • XFire™ 
  • Discord™