This Phone Number is Already in Use on Another Account

Updated: 4 months ago
Article ID: 202793

Common Problems

  • I have two accounts and would like to add my phone number to both.
  • Cannot add my phone number to my account, it says the number is already used in another account.

A phone number can only be added to a single Account. Customer Support cannot bypass this limitation.

If you added your phone number to another Account, log in to that account's Account Details page to remove the number.

If you are not sure what account your number is linked to, you can use the Recovery service to be texted the email of the account and regain access. If the email is not yours, or you cannot regain access using the recovery service, please contact us with a phone bill showing your name and phone number.

Games Requiring a Phone Number

Some games such as the Call of Duty titles and Overwatch 2, require that you add a phone number before you can play, and you cannot use the same number to create two accounts for the same game. Customer Support cannot help with unlinking a phone number from a game account.

If you used your number to create a free game account such as Overwatch 2 on your first Account, you can move your phone number to a new Account, but this will not allow you to create a second free account for the same game on your new Account; for that you must add a different, unused phone number instead.