Can't Start Quest - Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator

Updated: 4 months ago
Article ID: 242756

Common Problems

  • I have completed the intro for Mechagon but I can't pick up the quest Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator

The quest Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator is available for players who have completed the introduction quests for Mechagon.

Additionally, Prince Erazmin won't be available at Mechagon if you have started the Mechagnomes questline. In that case, finish the questline first and he will be back.

Note: This quest may not show on your zone map for Mechagon if you are Revered, so go speak to Prince Erazmin to pick it up. It is also advisable to turn on Trivial Quest tracking by pressing the magnifying glass icon on the mini-map and ticking "Trivial Quests"