Overwatch 2 Console Error LC-208 and LC-208.001

Updated: 4 months ago
Article ID: 291353

Common Problems

  • Unable to connect to Overwatch 2 on console 
  • Disconnected from game servers. (LC-208)

If your console account is linked with your Battle.net account, you need to have a BattleTag. If you have a BattleTag but your accounts are not linked, follow the connection steps linked below to resolve the error.

Note: If your Battle.net account is connected to your console account, disconnecting it and reconnecting can resolve the error.  However, be advised, that doing so can initiate a cooldown by the console (often 365 days).

  1. Check your network configuration to find any issues with your firewall, router, or port settings.
  2. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.
  3. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
  4. Run your console's built-in connection test (Playstation 4) (Xbox One) (Nintendo Switch).

Tried everything here?

If the steps above did not resolve your problem, visit our Technical Support forum or contact your console's manufacturer for more assistance (Sony) (Microsoft) (Nintendo).