Common Problems
Game is forgetting my graphic settingsNPCs do not remember my filter settings
When settings or graphic settings are not saving correctly this is often a sign of permission or third-party conflicts. Try the following troubleshooting to help narrow down the source:
1) Check your Install location. We recommend the default C:\Program Files(x86) folder. If you must install to another internal drive makes sure it's within a subfolder for example D:\Games\
Examples of bad install locations:
- Directly to a drive directory C:\, D:\
- Within another programs folder for example C:\Program Files(x86)\\World of warcraft. Do not install any games within the folder.
- Any cache folders: Downloads, Documents, Appdata.
- External drives are not supported.
2) Ensure the Anti-virus is set up to exclude the Desktop Application and World of Warcraft folder as false positives could block the game from updating settings.
3) Addon management software, some of these come with a sync or backup feature that could be writing your settings or not allowing them to update. Perform a full User Interface reset then try disabling any addon managers before retesting.
If the issue continues, feel free to contact our support team Here.