Not Enough Memory
Common Problems
Not enough memoryYou will see this error when your computer runs out of space for new information in its memory. To troubleshoot this error, follow the steps below.
Note: A computer's storage is different from the computer's memory. If you don't have enough space on your hard drive, see the Insufficient Space on Your Hard Drive article.
Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources.
Reset your user interface to make sure your files and addons are not corrupted.
- Try reducing the View Distance setting in the in-game System menu. This will lower the game’s demand on your computer and save memory.
- If you are using a 32-bit version of Windows
, we recommend upgrading to a 64-bit operating system. This will allow your computer to use much more memory and should permanently resolve this error.
Tried everything here?
If you have tried these steps and still require assistance, please visit our Technical Support Forums or contact us.