Hearthstone Shop Closed

Updated: 4 months ago
Article ID: 141969

Common Problems

  • I can't open the Hearthstone shop on my computer, it says "Shop Closed"
  • I get the error "Shop Closed" in Hearthstone on my mobile device

Note: Before trying the troubleshooting below, check to see if your account parental control settings need to be updated to allow access to the in-game shop. See this article for instructions.

My Hearthstone Account is New

If you are new to Hearthstone, you may receive this error if you haven't finished the set-up of your account. Close the game and visit your Account Settings.

In the Account Details section add your country of residence and, if you see a banner saying you didn't verify your email yet, click on "Resend Verification Email" and follow the prompts.

Please try to change your password. This should refresh your account and allow you to use our store.

If the problem continues, please contact us.

Receiving the error on a mobile device

On mobile devices, this error usually happens if you are not logged into your Google, Apple, or Amazon account or if your device was jailbroken —jailbroken devices are not supported.

You are not required to have a payment methods saved on your Google, Apple, or Amazon account. You can still access the Hearthstone Shop even if you don't have a payment method and buy card packs with in-game gold.

The error started after a game update

If this error happens after a game update check BlizzardCS on Twitter for breaking news and information on our services and try again later.

If the problem continues, try uninstalling and reinstalling your game or visit our Technical Support Forum.

Otherwise, you can find most Hearthstone products in our website.