Incorrect Dust Amount from Disenchanting Hearthstone Cards

Updated: 3 months ago
Article ID: 20456

Common Problems

  • Did not receive dust after disenchanting my card
  • Disenchanted a card when I received the error "Error Disenchanting Card"
  • After mass-disenchanting cards, I received much less than what I was supposed

Patch 30.6 known issue - Signature Marin the Manager and Signature Portalmancer Skyla were granting 1600 dust instead of 3200 and Epic Tsunami was granting 400 instead of 1600. The team has fixed this issue. If you disenchanted any of these cards before the fix and you got the wrong amount of dust, we have sent you the missing dust on Friday, October 18. Thank you for your patience!

Crafting and disenchanting values for Hearthstone cards will grant the following Arcane Dust:

RarityCrafting costDisenchanting rewardCost to upgrade
to golden
Common (White)40400550360
Rare (Blue)10080020100700
Epic (Purple)40016001004001200
Legendary (Orange)1600320040016001600